A complete guide for computer operator Preparation

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Computer Operator Quiz

Test your knowledge level about computer Hardware.This simple quiz test your knowledge level with 10 questions.

Following are the objective questions from Computer Fundamentals Section. Computer Fundamentals section includes the topics such as history of computers, generation of computers, www.subodhghimire.com.np classification of computers, Computer Peripherals, Storage Devices, Computer Security Systems, Computer Viruses, Computer Networking, System Analysis and Design and so on.

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Computer Funadamental

लोक सेवा आयोगले लिने प्राविधिक तर्फको कम्प्यूटर अपरेटर पदको तयारी गरिरहनु भएका साथीहरुका लागि केही सन्दर्भ सामग्रीको रुपमा Computer Fundamental बाट केही बिषयबस्तुलाई छोटो र जानकारीमूलक रुपमा प्रस्तुत गरेको छु । जसले केही मात्रामा भए पनि कम्प्युटरको बारेमा सतही रुपमा भए पनि जानकारी प्राप्त गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ भन्ने विश्वास लिएको छु ।

Introduction of Computer .

Simple computer is an electronic machine that accepts information, processes it according to the specific instructions, and provides the results as new information. The computer can store and manipulate large quantities of data at very high speed. Although the computer can help to solve a wide variety of problems, www.subodhghimire.com.np it is merely a machine and can’t solve problem on its own. It must be provided with instructions is the form of a computer program. A program is a list of instructions written in a special language that the computer understands. In simply a computer is an electronic device that can accept input and store data, process it and produce output.
History of computer
Computers are developed as a result of man’s search for a faster way to calculate. The first mechanical calculating machines were invented in 1642 by liaise Pascaland it is used for addition and subtraction. In 1671, Gottfried Leibniz’sa German philosopher and mathematician constructed a www.subodhghimire.com.np calculator that was an improvement on Pascal’s invention. This machine could add, subtracts, ltiply, divide and extract roots.
In the 1830′s Charles Babbage devised the analytical engine. This engine can be used to perform any mathematical operation automatically. The device includes memory, a central processing unit, input/output, and the use of programming language. Babbage is often referred to as the father of Computer.

Computer generation
  • First Generation (1943-1958)
The storage media or memory used in the first generation computer was vacuum tube. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first electronic general computer. It used vacuum tubes (18,000) and could do 300 multiplications per second.
  • Second Generation (1958-1965)
The computers using transistors as storage media were classified as second Generation computers. One transistor could do the task of 1000 vacuum tubes. Second generation computers were relatively smaller than the first generation computers. Computers were much faster and reliable. They had greater computing capacity.
  • Third Generations (1965-1973)
In 1964, International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation announced its system 360 family of mainframe computers. They are much faster as they used small chips containing thousands of parts integrated in them. Floppy disks. Hard disks, taps of card were used in this generation of computers.
  • Fourth Generation (1973- Now)
While third generation computers saw the use of integrated circuits in building computers, the fourth generation is characterized by the increased number of circuits, allows more data to be stored on a memory chip. Large Scale Integration (LSI) and very large scale integration (VLSI) known as Micro Processes, allows memory chips having thousands of storage locations. Fourth generation computers have microprocessor, which have serial numbers. The serial numbers indicates the capability of computer and speed as well.
  • Fifth Generation
Computer technology is now moving towards the fifth generation, which is expected to dominate other computer technology. Computer Scientists believe that the fifth generation computers will be able to talk and listen to the people and possibly understand ideas. These computers will possess Artificial Intelligence (AI), which will be similar to human intelligence.
Parts of Computer
Computer can be divided in to two parts.
  • Hardware: Hardware is that part of a computer which we can touch or feel. Hardware is associated with computer components which are manufactured in the industry level. For example, Monitor, Keyboard, Disk drives, Mouse, etc are called hardware.
  • Software : The program that can execute on hardware or the program not forming the parts of a computer but use when operating it is known as software. In computer terminology, a set of instructions is called a program and one or more programs are called software. In another word Software is that part of a computer which brings it to life. Without software, a computer is just like a dead body. Software can be divided in two parts

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