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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Na.Su. Exam Question Paper taken by Public Service Commission, Nepal held 2071-01-27

Here is the the Public Service Commission, Nepal's Non Gazetted First Class (Na. Su.) exam question paper of Second Paper that is Socio-economic Condition.

Public Service Commission, Nepal
Na. Su. Question Paper
Time: 2 Hr 30 Min               Paper: Second                   Full Marks 100

Section – A                     Subject: Socio-economic Condition                          Marks 40
Socio-economic and environment situation of Nepal
write short answer of the following questions                                                   6X5=30
1.  What types of climate is found in Nepal? Write on the basis of geographical situation.
2.Explain Briefly the importance of water resources of Nepal
3.Discuss the main causes of deforestation in Nepal.
4.  Discuss the importance of tourism for the economic development of Nepal
5.  Write settling places of any five endangered ethnic group along with their name out of ten such group.
6.Describe the objectives of industrial policy 2067
Write long answer of the following question)                        4+6=10
7.  How is the employment situation in Nepal ? What measures can be adopted to solve the existing unemployment problem of Nepal? Explain.
Section – B                                                                                                            Marks 30
Constitution and Government System
write short answer of the following questions                        4X5=20
8.  What is the meaning of rule of Law?
9.  What are the main sources of law? Why the laws enacted by the legislature is considered more important? Explain.
10.What is proportional representation electoral system? What process of election was applied for the proportional representation side of election of election in the constitutional assembly election 2064?
11. What are the similarities and differences between positive discrimination and inclusion. Write in point.
Write long answer of the following question                                             3+4+3=10
12. What is good governance ? What are the challenges in establishment of good governance in Nepal and write its solution too.

Section – C                          Public Service Management                                   Marks 30

write short answer of the following questions                               4X5=20
13. Write a short note on the importance of the office management.
14. What is the objective of Audit?
15.Write short notes
      ) Tax)                                         b) Budget
16. what do you mean by Inventory record system ? What are the main Objectives of Inventory record system? Explain in brief.
Write long answer of the following question                        3+7=10
17. State the means of providing public service delivery. In Nepal, what problems should be faced while providing such types of service delivery?



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